Boot Properties

A computer in normal operation can boot either through the network or locally as determined by Symantec LiveState Delivery. When booting over the network, the Pre-OS Agent performs the boot process.

Warning:  The Pre-OS Agent requires FAT 16 or FAT 32 on partitions that it is trying to access. It cannot access any partitions with NTFS format. Make sure the computer is properly formatted.

To minimize network load, computers should boot locally if possible.

Booting over the Network

When booting over the network, a RAM disk is built up in the main memory of the computer. All files required for booting are copied from the Configuration Server and Package Depot over the network to the RAM disk.

Options for behavior when booting over the network are set in the Computer Properties dialog box's Boot and Security Tab.

You may set the parameters for the network boot, in particular the memory area and the size of the RAM disk.

How to...

Automatic Network Booting

In the following cases Symantec LiveState Delivery automatically sets network booting after executing the following tasks:

You can override the default boot configuration.