The TOE Statistics tab displays detailed
offload statistics. These statistics are read-only and reflect
activity on the team since it was last initialized.
On the Ethernet Devices tab, select a
Click Properties.
Click TOE
Statistics (this tab only displays if a TOE-enabled team
has been formed).
Team statistics are read only and include:
Mode. Displays the current team type. See Teaming Controls tab
for more information about team types.
If Automatic is the selected team type one
of the following displays:
802.3ad Dynamic with Fault Tolerance
Transmit Load Balancing with Fault
Tolerance (TLB)
Channel-based Transmit Load Balancing
802.3ad Dynamic with Fault Tolerance
Switch-assisted Load Balancing with Fault
Tolerance (SLB)
Transmit Load Balancing with Fault
Tolerance (TLB)
Transmit Load Balancing with Fault
Tolerance and Preference Order
Network Fault Tolerance Only (NFT)
Network Fault Tolerance Only with
Preference Order
Speed/Duplex. The current speed and duplex
mode of the team. Mixed displays if all team members do not
Throughput. The current transmit and
receive throughput.
Detailed Offload IPv4:
Connections. The number of TCP connections for which the
current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT.
TCP Errors
Received. The number of packets received on offloaded TCP
connections that contained one or more TCP-specific errors that
prevented the offload target from delivering the packets.