HP Operations Manager for Windows


IOvPmdPolicyGroup80 Interface Reference

Extension of IOvPmdPolicyGroup2 interface. More...

import "pmad.idl";

Inheritance diagram for IOvPmdPolicyGroup80:

IOvPmdPolicyGroup2 IOvPmdPolicyGroup List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT  RemoveFromNodes ([in]VARIANT varNodeNameArray,[in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  RemoveFromAllNodes ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  DeployOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  DeployOnNodeGroup2 ([in]BSTR sNodeGroup,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)

Detailed Description

The interface IOvPmdPolicyGroup80 inherits from the interface IOvPmdPolicyGroup2 and adds several additional methods.