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Global Settings parameters

Settings (parameters) found on the Access Options page of the iLO 3 user interface.


Default value


Idle Connection Timeout (minutes)

30 minutes

This setting specifies the interval of user inactivity, in minutes, before the web server and Remote Console session automatically terminate. The following settings are valid: 15, 30, 60, 120 minutes, or 0 (infinite). The infinite timeout value does not log out inactive users.

Lights-Out Functionality


This setting enables connection to iLO 3. If disabled, all connections to iLO 3 are prevented.

The iLO 3 10/100 network and communications with operating system drivers are turned off if Lights-Out functionality is disabled. The iLO 3 Diagnostic Port for an HP ProLiant BL p Class server is also disabled.

If iLO 3 functionality is disabled (including the iLO 3 Diagnostic Port), you must use the server's Security Override Switch to enable iLO 3. See your server documentation to locate the Security Override Switch and set it to override. Power up the server and use the iLO 3 RBSU to set Lights-Out Functionality to Enabled.

iLO 3 ROM-Based Setup Utility


This setting enables or disables the iLO 3 ROM-Based Setup Utility. Normally, the iLO2 Option ROM prompts you to press F8 to enter RBSU, but if iLO 3 is disabled or iLO 3 RBSU is disabled, the RBSU prompt is bypassed.

Require Login for iLO 3 RBSU


This setting enables RBSU access with or without a user-credentials challenge. If this setting is Enabled, and you press F8 during POST to enter iLO 3 RBSU, a login dialog box appears.

Show iLO 3 during POST


This setting enables the display of the iLO 3 network IP address during the host server POST process.

Serial Command Line Interface Status

Enabled-Authentication Required

This setting enables you to change the login model of the CLI feature through the serial port. The following settings are valid:

  • Enabled—Authentication Required
  • Enabled—No Authentication
  • Disabled

Serial Command Line Interface Speed


This setting enables you to use the serial port to change the speed of the serial port for the CLI feature. The following speeds (in bits/s) are valid: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. The serial port configuration must be set to No parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit (N/8/1) for proper operation. The serial port speed that is set by this parameter must match the speed of the serial port set in the System ROM RBSU setup.

Minimum Password Length


This setting specifies the minimum number of characters allowed when a user password is set or changed. The character length can be set at a value from 0 to 39.

Server Name

This setting enables you to specify the host server name. This value is assigned when using HP ProLiant Management Agents. If you do not use the agents and the host unnamed message appears, you can change it here. If the agents are running, the value you assign can be overwritten.

To force the browser to refresh, save this setting, and press F5.

Authentication Failure Logging

Enabled-Every 3rd Failure

This setting allows you to configure logging criteria for failed authentications. All login types are supported and every login type works independently. The following are valid settings:

  • Enabled-Every Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded after every failed login attempt.
  • Enabled-Every 2nd Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded after every second failed login attempt.
  • Enabled-Every 3rd Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded after every third failed login attempt.
  • Enabled-Every 5th Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded after every fifth failed login attempt.
  • Disabled—No failed login log entry is recorded.

Settings (parameters) found on the Services page of the iLO 3 user interface.


Default value


Secure Shell (SSH) Access


This setting enables you to specify whether the SSH feature on the iLO 3 is enabled or disabled.

Secure shell (SSH) Port


This setting enables you to configure the iLO 3 SSH port to be used for SSH communications.

Telnet Access


This setting enables you to connect a telnet client to the Remote Console/Telnet port, providing access to the iLO 3 CLP. The following settings are valid:

  • Enabled—iLO 3 enables telnet clients to connect to the Remote Console/Telnet port. Network port scanners can detect that iLO 3 is listening on this port. Unencrypted communication is allowed between the iLO 3 CLP and telnet clients.
  • Disabled—iLO 3 does not allow telnet clients to connect to the Remote Console/Telnet port. Network port scanners will not normally detect if this port is open on iLO 3. iLO 3 listens on this port for a few seconds when the Remote Console is opened, but telnet connections are not accepted.

    Communication between the iLO 3 and Remote Console is always encrypted.

Remote Console/Telnet Port


This setting enables you to specify which port the iLO 3 Remote Console uses for remote console communications.

Web Server Non-SSL Port


This setting enables you to specify which port the embedded web server in iLO 3 uses for unencrypted communications.

Web Server SSL Port


This setting enables you to specify which port the embedded web server in iLO 3 uses for encrypted communications.

Terminal Services Passthrough


This setting enables you to control the ability to support a connection through iLO 3 between a Microsoft® Terminal Services client and Terminal Services server running on the host. The following settings are valid:

  • Automatic—When remote console is started, the Terminal Services client is launched.
  • Enabled—The pass-through feature is enabled and can connect the Terminal Services client directly to the iLO 3 without logging-into the iLO 3.
  • Disabled—The pass-through feature is off.

Terminal Services Port


This setting enables you to specify the Terminal Services Port that the iLO 3 uses for encrypted communications with Terminal Services Pass-through software on the server. If the Terminal Services port is configured to anything other than the default, you must manually change the port number.

Virtual Media Port


This setting enables you to specify the port for virtual media support in iLO 3 communications.

Shared Remote Console Port


This setting enables you to specify the Shared Remote Console Port. The Shared Remote Console Port is opened on the client to allow additional users to connect to remote console in a peer-to-peer fashion. This port is only open when Shared Remote Console is in use.

Console Replay Port


This setting enables you to specify the Console Replay Port. The Console Replay Port is opened on the client to enable the transfer of internal capture buffers to the client for replay. This port is only open when a capture buffer is being transferred to the client.

Raw Serial Data Port


This setting specifies the Raw Serial Data port address.The Raw Serial Data port is only open while the WiLODbg.exe utility is being used to debug the host server remotely.

Settings (parameters) found on the Encryption page of the iLO 3 user interface.


Default value


Current cipher

Displays the current cipher for this web browser session. Upon logging into the iLO 3 using the web browser, the browser and the iLO 3 negotiate the cipher setting to be used for the session. This web page displays the negotiated cipher.

Enforce AES/3DES Encryption

This setting allows you to enable or disable AES/3DES encryption.

  • If disabled, AES/3DES encryption is not used.
  • If enabled, cipher strength must be at least AES or 3DES to connect to iLO 3.