What is New in DirectScript?

DirectScript contains the following enhancements:

New Interfaces


What Was New in DirectScript 3.1

New Interfaces


Changes in Delegation Support

We have implemented an improved delegation model. Based on a hierarchical Active Directory compatible directory tree, the delegation model provides a dynamic, role-based delegation service with a highly granular and flexible set of delegable tasks.

Methods like IADsComputer::Access, IADsDomain::AssignTask, IADsUser::GetTasks and so on are supported only through our next version of bv-Admin. These are operations performed on objects through our next generation of bv-Admin delegation services that are based on Roles. Although you can see these methods through Visual Basic Type Library, they will return E_NOTIMPL for those methods, as they rely on a yet unreleased component.

bv-Admin 2.0 uses the underlying object support thus providing upward compatibility.

bv-Admin 2.0 and its DirectMap virtual directory for Windows NT are not included as part of DirectScript 3.2. However, please be aware that BindView has provided ADSI support exposing Windows NT's native access control for both printers and services, allowing you to give control over these objects to specific individuals.