IDesignatedBDC Interface

Inherited from


Applies to Objects


This is a secondary interface of the Namespace object. You can use this interface to get and set designated Backup Domain Controllers (BDCs) for the specified domain. A designated BDC is a domain controller that be used to do certain operations, which are, by default, done on the Primary Domain Controller (PDC). Note that all operations done on a designated BDC are read only. No changes can be saved to a BDC.




Gets the list of BDCs for the specified domain


Gets the list of BDCs for the specified domain to be used for lookups and other operations


Sets the list of BDCs to be used for lookups and other operations for the specified domain


Removes the specified domain entry and its list of BDCs


Gets and sets the flag that indicates whether to use BDCs for the specified domain or not

A typical use of the IDesignatedBDC interface can be as follows:

Dim DBDCObj As IDesignatedBDC
Set DBDCObj = GetObject("NTDS:")
'Set the BDC to be used for "DomainName"
DBDCObj.SetDesignatedBDCsForDomain "DomainName", "BDCName"

'Enable this. By default, this is false.
DBDCObj.UseDesignatedBDCs("DomainName") = True
'Do operations here which require lookup on the BDC like finding out a user's last login time, etc.
'Empty the BDC list. Lookups are now done on the PDC for "DomainName".
DBDCObj.ResetDesignatedBDCsForDomain "DomainName"