Type Library
VB 5.0 Project-Reference Descriptive String
of Type Library
Bindview DirectScript Objects 3.2 Type Library
The Domain object is useful in enumerating all Directory object types. These include users, groups, and computers in a domain. This object can also be used to set account policies like minimum password length for a domain.
The Domain object supports these interfaces:
IADsDomain: The default interface for this object. Can be used to get or set domain properties such as minimum password length, auto unlock interval, and so on.
IADs: Can be used to get some basic properties (such as name, class, and parent) of an object.
IADsContainer: Can be used to create, delete, copy, move, and enumerate contained objects.
ISecurityIdentifier: Can be used to get the SIDs of the Domain, Computer, Local Group, Global Group, and User objects.
IDomainServerManagement: Can be used to synchronize domains.