 Change View 
[object Window]

In Appearance page, you can customize the colors and fonts used by the terminal window. It provides a Preview window for your convenience.

Color Scheme

Select the color scheme you want to use in this session. Xshell supports four default color schemes and you can change them or add a new color scheme in the Color Schemes dialog box.


Opens the Edit Color Scheme dialog box for the selected scheme.

Font Name

Select the font you want to use in this session. Only fixed width fonts are listed. You can also select a font from the Font bar.

Font Size

Select or enter the size of the font you selected. Some fonts have a fixed size and the value you entered may not work for those fonts.

Bold Text

Select the method you want to display bold text.

Use bold color

Uses the bold colors defined in the color scheme for the ANSI bold escape sequences.

Use bold font

Uses the bold font of the selected font for the ANSI bold escape sequences.

Use bold color and font

Uses both bold color and font for the ANSI bold escape sequences.

Cursor Color

Select a color for the text cursor.

Text Color

Select a text color for the text cursor.

Use blinking cursor

Select this check box to blink the text cursor of the terminal window.


Enter the blinking speed of the text cursor.