Microsoft Windows NT Embedded 4.0  

Exporting a Configuration

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You can import and export configurations to make them portable between databases or development systems. Multiple development systems can then use the same configuration.

To export a configuration

  1. In the All Nodes pane, right-click the appropriate configuration, and then click Export.
  2. Select the folder in which you want to put the configuration.
  3. In the File nametext box, type the name of the configuration.
  4. To export the file in Unicode format, select the Save as Unicodecheck box.
  5. Click Export.
    Important   If your configuration has custom components, and you plan to import it into another development system, you must first do the following:
    1. Copy the component definition file that has the custom components to the other development system.
    2. Import the copied component definition file into Target Designer on the other development system.
      Note   You can specify a different file name when you export a configuration. However, when you import that configuration, it returns to its original name and place in the All Nodes pane.
      You can copy the exported configuration to media or a network, and then distribute it to other users.
      A configuration file name includes the .cfg extension.

      See Also

      To import a component definition file