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The IEnumCodePage interface is used by a client to obtain information about many code pages at once or to determine which code pages fit a certain flag. This interface is not supported on all Windows Mobile operating systems. See the SDK documentation specific to your target device to see whether this functionality is supported.

When to Use

This interface should be used when a client needs information about many code pages at once or when a client needs to know which code pages fit a certain flag. If information about specific code pages is required, a client should call the IMultiLanguage::GetCodePageInfomethod.


The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order. Like all COM interfaces, this interface inherits the methods of the IUnknowninterface

Method Description


Retrieves an array of MIMECPINFOstructures for the specified number of code pages.


Resets the Code Page Enumeration object to the beginning of the enumeration sequence.


Advances the position of the Code Page Enumeration object in the enumeration sequence by the specified amount.


A client can use this interface to retrieve an array of MIMECPINFOstructures, which contain detailed information about a given code page.

When calling the IMultiLanguage::EnumCodePagesmethod to initialize the IEnumCodePageinterface, the client can set one or more of the flags defined in the MIMECONTFenumeration to obtain specific information. For example, a browser client can set MIMECONTF_BROWSER to obtain a list of character sets that are appropriate for its character-set-switching menu.


Header mlang.h, mlang.idl
Library mlang.dll
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later