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The following table shows the Internet Explorer MLang interfaces with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description


This interface is used by a client to obtain information about many code pages at once or to determine which code pages fit a certain flag.


This interface creates a list of all the locale identifiers (LCIDs) in the MIME database.


This interface enumerates the scripts on the system.


This interface provides a foundation for the IMLangFontLinkinterface and implements methods for working with code pages.


This interface converts a string from one code page to another.


This interface implements a set of services that enable an application to use font linking.


This interface implements a set of services that enable an application to use font linking.


This interface provides a console-based line-breaking service.


This interface provides methods for character set conversions, code page detection, and the retrieval of information on code pages, locales, and character sets. Although this interface is supported, the interface is obsolete. Use the IMultilanguage2interface instead.


This interface provides methods for character set conversions, code page detection, and the retrieval of information on code pages, locales, and character sets.


This interface extends the functionality of the IMultiLanguage2interface by adding outbound text detection functionality to it.