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Journaling can be requested both for queues (target journaling) and computers (source journaling).

The following examples show how to request queue and source journaling and how to read messages from the appropriate queue journal, computer journal, and dead-letter queue.

Applications cannot send messages to journal or dead-letter queues. When queue or source journaling is requested, Message Queuing sends a copy of message to the appropriate journal or dead-letter queue.

For examples on See

Requesting target journaling when creating a queue

Requesting Target Journaling (COM)

Requesting source journaling when sending a message

Requesting Source Journaling (COM)

Reading messages from a queue journal

Reading Messages from a Queue Journal (COM)

Reading messages from a computer journal

Reading Messages from a Computer Journal (COM)

Reading messages from a dead-letter queue

Reading Messages from a Dead-Letter Queue (COM)

See Also