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In Windows Embedded CE, a penis a graphics object for drawing lines. Drawing applications use pens to draw freehand lines and straight lines. Computer-aided design (CAD) applications use pens to draw visible lines, section lines, center lines, and so on. Word processing and desktop publishing applications use pens to draw borders and rules. Spreadsheet applications use pens to designate trends in graphs and to outline bar graphs and pie charts.

Windows Embedded CE stock pens include the BLACK_PENand the WHITE_PEN, which draw a solid, 1-pixel-wide line in their respective color, and the NULL_PEN, which does not draw. You obtain the stock pens with the GetStockObjectfunction.

You call the CreatePenor CreatePenIndirectfunction to create a custom pen with a unique color, width, or pen style.

The following table shows the pen styles supported by Windows Embedded CE.

Pen style Description


Draws a solid line.


Draws a dashed line.


Does not draw a line.

Windows Embedded CE supports wide pens and dashed pens, but does not support dotted pens, inside frame pens, geometric pens, pen endcap styles, or pens that are both wide and dashed.

You can create a pen with a unique color by storing the RGB value that specifies the color that you want in a COLORREFvalue and passing this value to the CreatePenor CreatePenIndirectfunction. In the case of CreatePenIndirect, the COLORREFvalue is incorporated into the LOGPENstructure, which is used by CreatePenIndirect.

The wide pen requires significant GDI computation. To improve the performance of a handwriting application, use a standard size pen.

The following code example shows how to use pen functions.

To make the following code example easier to read, error checking is not included. Do not use this code example in a release configuration unless you have modified it to include secure error handling.
Copy Code
#define NUMPT  200

HDC hDC; 		// Handle to the display device context 
HPEN hPen, 	// Handle to the new pen object  
	 hOldPen;  // Handle to the old pen object 
RECT rect; 	// A RECT structure that contains the window's 
					// client area coordinates
int index, 
	iCBHeight; // Command bar height
POINT ptAxis[2], // Two dimensional POINT structure array
	 ptSine[NUMPT]; // 200 dimensional POINT structure array
static COLORREF g_crColor[] = {

// Retrieve a handle to a display device context for the client 
// area of the window (hwnd). 
if (!(hDC = GetDC (hwnd)))

// Retrieve the coordinates of the window's client area. 
GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);

// Retrieve the height of the command bar in pixels. 
iCBHeight = CommandBar_Height (g_hwndCB);

// Assign the axis points coordinates in pixels.
ptAxis[0].x = 0;
ptAxis[0].y = iCBHeight + (rect.bottom - iCBHeight) / 2;
ptAxis[1].x = rect.right - 1;
ptAxis[1].y = ptAxis[0].y;

// Assign the sine wave points coordinates in pixels.
for (index = 0; index < NUMPT; ++index)
  ptSine[index].x = index * rect.right / NUMPT;
  ptSine[index].y = (long) (iCBHeight + \
							(rect.bottom - iCBHeight) / 2 * \
							(1 - sin (8 * 3.14159 * index /

// Create a dash pen object and select it.
hPen = CreatePen (PS_DASH, 1, g_crColor[5]);
hOldPen = SelectObject (hDC, hPen);

// Draw a straight line connecting the two points.
Polyline (hDC, ptAxis, 2);

// Select the old pen back into the device context.
SelectObject (hDC, hOldPen);

// Delete the pen object and free all resources associated with it.

DeleteObject (hPen);

// Create a solid pen object and select it.
hPen = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 3, g_crColor[5]);
hOldPen = SelectObject (hDC, hPen);

// Draw a sine wave shaped polyline.
Polyline (hDC, ptSine, NUMPT);

// Select the old pen back into the device context.
SelectObject (hDC, hOldPen);

// Delete the pen object and free all resources associated with it.

DeleteObject (hPen);

// Release the device context.
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hDC);


See Also