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Windows Mobile combines the Microsoft Win32 application programming interface (API), user interface (UI), and graphics device interface (GDI) libraries into the Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES) module. GWES is the interface between the user, your application, and the operating system (OS).

GWES supports all the windows, dialog boxes, controls, menus, and resources that make up the Windows Mobile user interface (UI), which enables users to control applications. GWES also provides information to the user in the form of bitmaps, carets, cursors, text, and icons.

In This Section

GWES Application Development

Provides information about how to use the GWES component set to develop user applications.

GWES Reference

Provides reference information for OS design developers and application developers.

Related Sections

Shell, GWES, and User Interface

Provides information about the shell architecture in Windows Mobile, implementing a wide variety of shells, and how to customize the shell.