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The following code sample demonstrates the use of IP Helper APIs for retrieving network information about the local system, such as:
- Hostname and domain name by calling
- Network adapter and interface information by calling
GetInterfaceInfo, respectively.
- Interface to IP address mapping table by calling
It also adds a new IP address that maps to an existing adapter on the local system, by calling AddIPAddress.
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#include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include "iprtrmib.h" #include "iphlpapi.h" #include "winsock2.h" void main() { ULONG ulOutBufLen; DWORD dwRetVal; LPVOID lpMsgBuf; RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("------------------------\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("This is GetNetworkParams\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("------------------------\n"))); FIXED_INFO *pFixedInfo; IP_ADDR_STRING *pIPAddr; //Call GetNetworkParams to get the length of the buffer ulOutBufLen = 0; GetNetworkParams( NULL, &ulOutBufLen ); //Now that we have the necessary size, allocate the memory pFixedInfo = (FIXED_INFO *) malloc( ulOutBufLen ); dwRetVal = GetNetworkParams( pFixedInfo, &ulOutBufLen ); if (dwRetVal != NO_ERROR ) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Call to GetNetworkParams failed, error %d.\n"), dwRetVal)); free(pFixedInfo); return; } RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tHost Name: %s\n"), pFixedInfo -> HostName)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tDomain Name: %s\n"), pFixedInfo -> DomainName)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tDNS Servers:\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\t%s\n"), pFixedInfo -> DnsServerList.IpAddress.String)); pIPAddr = pFixedInfo -> DnsServerList.Next; while ( pIPAddr ) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\t%s\n"), pIPAddr -> IpAddress.String)); pIPAddr = pIPAddr -> Next; } if (pFixedInfo -> EnableRouting) RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tEnable Routing: Yes\n"))); else RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tEnable Routing: No\n"))); if (pFixedInfo -> EnableProxy) RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tEnable Proxy: Yes\n"))); else RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tEnable Proxy: No\n"))); if (pFixedInfo -> EnableDns) RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tEnable DNS: Yes\n"))); else RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tEnable DNS: No\n"))); //free the memory we used; free(pFixedInfo); ulOutBufLen = 0; RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("------------------------\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("This is GetAdapatersInfo\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("------------------------\n"))); IP_ADAPTER_INFO *pAdapterInfo; IP_ADAPTER_INFO *pAdapter; //Call GetAdaptersInfo to get the size of the buffer ulOutBufLen = 0; GetAdaptersInfo( NULL, &ulOutBufLen) ; //Now that we know the necessary buffer size, allocate the memory pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *) malloc( ulOutBufLen ); dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen); if (dwRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Call to GetAdaptersInfo failed, error %d.\n"), dwRetVal)); free (pAdapterInfo); return; } //Loop through the adapters and print info on each one. pAdapter = pAdapterInfo; while (pAdapter) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tAdapter Name: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->AdapterName)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tAdapter Desc: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->Description)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tAdapter Addr: \t%ld\n"), pAdapter->Address)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tIP Address: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tIP Mask: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->IpAddressList.IpMask.String)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tGateway: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->GatewayList.IpAddress.String)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t***\n"))); if (pAdapter->DhcpEnabled) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tDHCP Enabled: Yes\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\tDHCP Server: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->DhcpServer.IpAddress.String)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tLease Obtained: %ld\n"), pAdapter->LeaseObtained)); } else RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tDHCP Enabled: No\n"))); if (pAdapter->HaveWins) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tHave Wins: Yes\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\tPrimary Wins Server: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->PrimaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\tSecondary Wins Server: \t%s\n"), pAdapter->SecondaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String)); } else RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tHave Wins: No\n"))); pAdapter = pAdapter->Next; } //Free the memory we used. if (pAdapterInfo) free(pAdapterInfo); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("------------------------\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("This is GetInterfaceInfo\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("------------------------\n"))); IP_INTERFACE_INFO* pInfo; //Call GetInterfaceInfo to get the size of the buffer ulOutBufLen = 0; GetInterfaceInfo(NULL, &ulOutBufLen); //Now that we have the necessary size, allocate the memory and make a real call. pInfo = (IP_INTERFACE_INFO *) malloc(ulOutBufLen); dwRetVal = GetInterfaceInfo(pInfo, &ulOutBufLen); if ( dwRetVal != NO_ERROR ) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Call to GetInterfaceInfo failed, error %d.\n"), dwRetVal)); free ( pInfo ); return; } MIB_IFROW *pInterfaceInfo; pInterfaceInfo = (MIB_IFROW *) malloc(sizeof( MIB_IFROW )); //Loop through each of the interfaces to get information on each one. RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Num Adapters: %ld\n"), pInfo->NumAdapters)); for (int x = 0; x < pInfo->NumAdapters; x++) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tAdapter Name: %ws\n"), pInfo->Adapter[x].Name)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tAdapter Index: %ld\n"), pInfo->Adapter[x].Index)); pInterfaceInfo->dwIndex = pInfo->Adapter[x].Index; dwRetVal = GetIfEntry(pInterfaceInfo); if (dwRetVal != NO_ERROR) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Call to GetIfEntry failed, error %d.\n"), dwRetVal)); free (pInterfaceInfo); return; } RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tInterface Info:"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\tInterface Name: %ws\n"), pInterfaceInfo->wszName)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\tLast operational status change: %d\n"), pInterfaceInfo->dwLastChange)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\t\tOctets In: %d\n"), pInterfaceInfo->dwInOctets)); } //Free the memory we allocated. free(pInfo); free(pInterfaceInfo); dwRetVal = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dwRetVal, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); if (!dwRetVal) RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tFormatMessage error."))); else //Free the memory FormatMessage allocated. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); /* THIS WORKS BUT IT TAKES A LONG TIME AND INTERRUPTS NET CONNECTIONS if ((dwRetVal = IpReleaseAddress(&pInfo->Adapter[0])) == NO_ERROR) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Ip Release succeeded.\n"))); } if ((dwRetVal = IpRenewAddress(&pInfo->Adapter[0])) == NO_ERROR) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Ip Renew succeeded.\n"))); } /**/ RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("----------------------\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("This is GetIpAddrTable\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("----------------------\n"))); MIB_IPADDRTABLE *pIPAddrTable; //Call to GetIpAddrTable to get the size of the buffer ulOutBufLen = 0; GetIpAddrTable(NULL, &ulOutBufLen, FALSE); //Now that we have the necessary size, allocate the memory and make a real call. pIPAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *) malloc(ulOutBufLen); dwRetVal = GetIpAddrTable(pIPAddrTable, &ulOutBufLen, FALSE); if ( dwRetVal != NO_ERROR ) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Call to GetIpAddrTable, error %d.\n"), dwRetVal)); free ( pIPAddrTable ); return; } //Print the addresses in the mapping table for (int x = 0; x < (int)pIPAddrTable->dwNumEntries; x++) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Address: %ld\n"), pIPAddrTable->table[x].dwAddr)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tMask: %ld\n"), pIPAddrTable->table[x].dwMask)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tIndex: %ld\n"), pIPAddrTable->table[x].dwIndex)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tBCast: %ld\n"), pIPAddrTable->table[x].dwBCastAddr)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tReasm: %ld\n"), pIPAddrTable->table[x].dwReasmSize)); } UINT iaIPAddress; UINT imIPMask; //Add a new IP address to the table. iaIPAddress = inet_addr(""); imIPMask = inet_addr(""); ULONG NTEContext = 0; ULONG NTEInstance = 0; dwRetVal = AddIPAddress( iaIPAddress, imIPMask, pIPAddrTable->table[0]. dwIndex, &NTEContext, &NTEInstance); if ( dwRetVal != NO_ERROR) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tError adding IP address.\n"))); } dwRetVal = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dwRetVal, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); if (!dwRetVal) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tFormatMessage error."))); } else //Free the memory FormatMessage allocated. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); //Delete an IP Address. dwRetVal = DeleteIPAddress(NTEContext); if (dwRetVal != NO_ERROR) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Call to DeleteIPAddress failed, error %d.\n"), dwRetVal)); } RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("-------------------------\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("This is GetIPStatistics()\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("-------------------------\n"))); MIB_IPSTATS *pStats; pStats = (MIB_IPSTATS*) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IPSTATS)); dwRetVal = GetIpStatistics(pStats); if (dwRetVal != NO_ERROR) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tError getting stats, error: %d.\n"), dwRetVal)); free(pStats); return; } RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tNumber of IP addresses: %ld\n"), pStats->dwNumAddr)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tNumber of Interfaces: %ld\n"), pStats->dwNumIf)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tReceives: %ld\n"), pStats->dwInReceives)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tOut Requests: %ld\n"), pStats->dwOutRequests)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tRoutes: %ld\n"), pStats->dwNumRoutes)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tTimeout Time: %ld\n"), pStats->dwReasmTimeout)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tIn Delivers: %ld\n"), pStats->dwInDelivers)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tIn Discards: %ld\n"), pStats->dwInDiscards)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tTotal In: %ld\n"), pStats->dwInDelivers + pStats->dwInDiscards)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tIn Header Errors: %ld\n"), pStats->dwInHdrErrors)); //Free the memory we allocated. free(pStats); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("-------------------------\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("This is GetTCPStatistics()\n"))); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("-------------------------\n"))); MIB_TCPSTATS *pTCPStats; pTCPStats = (MIB_TCPSTATS*) malloc (sizeof(MIB_TCPSTATS)); if ((dwRetVal = GetTcpStatistics(pTCPStats)) != NO_ERROR) { RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Error getting TCP Stats.\n"))); free(pTCPStats); return; } RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tActive Opens: %ld\n"), pTCPStats->dwActiveOpens)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tPassive Opens: %ld\n"), pTCPStats->dwPassiveOpens)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tSegments Recv: %ld\n"), pTCPStats->dwInSegs)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tSegments Xmit: %ld\n"), pTCPStats->dwOutSegs)); RETAILMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("\tTotal # Conxs: %ld\n"), pTCPStats->dwNumConns)); //Free the memory we allocated. free(pTCPStats); return; } |