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The following table shows the tree view controls notifications, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window that a drag-and-drop operation is being initiated.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window about the start of label editing for an item.


This message notifies the parent window of a tree view control that an item has been deleted.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window about the end of label editing for an item.


This message requests that a tree view control's parent window provide information needed to display or sort an item.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window that a parent item's list of child items has expanded or collapsed.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window that a parent item's list of child items is about to expand or collapse.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window that the user pressed a key and the tree view control has the input focus.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window that the selection has changed from one item to another.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window that the selection is about to change from one item to another.


This message notifies a tree view control's parent window that it must update the information it maintains about an item.

See Also