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To avoid name collisions, the elements of the UPnP AV Framework API are declared in C++ namespaces.

The majority of the classes and other elements exist in the av_upnp namespace. The exceptions to this rule are:

  • Parser and object elements, which are declared in av_upnp::DIDL_Lite

  • Many of the string constants, which are declared in individual namespaces of their own. For example, AVTransportStateis declared in av_upnp::TransportState.

For specific information about the namespace of any particular API element, see the Requirements section of the API documentation for that element.

The UPnP AV Framework, in the av_upnp.h file, includes the following code to map the av_upnp namespace to the shorter string av.

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namespace av = av_upnp;

Unless you define NO_UPNPAV_AV_ALIAS, your code can refer to items using the shorter av string, like this:

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If your application already includes another namespace called av, define NO_UPNPAV_AV_ALIAS and use the full av_upnp string in your code.

See Also

Other Resources

Using the UPnP AV Framework