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The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) implementation provides an architectural framework for creating self-configuring, self-describing devices and services. Because UPnP supports automatic discovery, devices managed by UPnP require no set up by users or network administrators. UPnP enables a device to dynamically join a network, obtain an IP address, and convey its capabilities upon request.

For information about differences between the UPnP implementation available for Windows Mobile devices and that available for Windows Embedded CE devices, see UPnP in Windows Mobile Devices.

In This Section

UPnP Application Development

Explains how to create applications and target devices that use UPnP functionality.

UPnP Registry Settings

Provides information about the configurable registry settings used by UPnP.

UPnP Security

Provides security best practice information relevant to UPnP.

UPnP Reference

Provides reference information for the API provided by UPnP.

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