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You can configure a RAS server by using the RasIOControlfunction or by setting registry values. RasIOControlenables you to modify settings dynamically, while your device is running, whereas registry value settings are only read at system boot time. Each time you call RasIOControlto change RAS server settings, the function call will automatically update the registry settings so that the changes will remain in effect across system warm boots.

Windows Embedded CE provides a set of I/O controls (IOCTLs) that enable you to perform different configuration tasks on your RAS server. You can modify a RAS server setting by calling RasIOControland passing in the appropriate IOCTL as the dwCodeparameter. RasIOControlenables you to perform the following configuration tasks:

  • Globally enable and disable the RAS server.

  • Enable and disable a line for use by the RAS server.

  • Add a line to the list of lines managed by the RAS server.

  • Remove a line from the list managed by the RAS server.

  • Obtain and set the global parameters for the RAS server.

  • Enable a line to be managed by the RAS server.

  • Disable a line from being managed by the RAS server.

  • Obtain and set the parameters for a specific line managed by the RAS server.

  • Set the allowed usernames and passwords.

  • Remove a user's credentials from the list of those allowed by the RAS server.

  • Listen for incoming calls on the specified line.

  • Set the allowed authentication types.

  • Set the supported data encryption types.

  • Allow/disallow TCP header and data compression.

To enable routing on your RAS server, in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Tcpip\Parmsregistry key, change the IPEnableRoutervalue to 1 (True). Setting this value to 1 causes the server to route IP packets between the networks to which it is connected. For more information about IP Routing, see Enabling IPv4 Routingand TCP/IPv4 Configurable Registry Settings.

See Also