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OEMs can customize the Windows Classic Home screen by using the following registry keys:

The registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Todaycan be used to customize the number of times the screen is refreshed during a two-second period of time and to hide or display separation lines between plug-ins on the screen.

The following table shows the named values for this key.

Value Type Description



Hides the lines that separate plug-ins on the Windows Classic Home screen.

When set to 1, no line will appear between the plug-ins on the Home screen.

When set to any value other than 1, or when not set, a separation line will appear between the plug-ins on the screen.



Defines the number of additional refreshes that will be allowed during each two-second refresh period.

The behavior is as follows:

Value Behavior


No additional refreshes are permitted.


1-5 additional refreshes are permitted.

DWORD not present or > 5

1 additional refresh is permitted. This is the default behavior.

The registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Todaycan be used to enable Input Method Editing (IME) for the Home screen on Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic devices.

The following table shows the named values for this key.

Value Type Description



When set to a non-zero value, enables IME support for the Home screen on Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic devices.

If when set to zero, or when not set, IME is disabled for the Home screen. By default, this key is not set.

See Also