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This interface allows a desktop application to enumerate the set of connected Windows Embedded CE–based remote devices which are represented by IRAPIDeviceinterfaces. For Windows CE 5.0 and earlier, this enumeration sequence will only contain a single connected device.

A reference to this interface can be obtained by using the IRAPIDesktopinterface.


The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order. Like all COM interfaces, this interface inherits the methods for the IUnknowninterface.

Method Description


Creates a new enumerator object that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.


Returns the number of remote devices in the enumerator.


Retrieves the next remote device in the enumeration sequence.


Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.


Skips the specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence.


Header rapi2.h
Library ole32.lib, rapiuuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also