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The Remote API 2 (RAPI2) library enables applications that run on a desktop to perform actions on a remote Windows Mobile device.

The functionality that RAPI2 provides includes the ability to manipulate the file system on the remote device, including the creation and deletion of files and directories. RAPI2 interfaces can be used to create and modify databases, either in the device's object store or in mounted database volumes. RAPI2 applications can also query and modify registry keys as well as launch applications and invoke methods on the remote device.

RAPI2 is a replacement for the previous Remote API (RAPI) library. The most significant change in RAPI2 is that the underlying server that transfers information between the desktop and the remote device is multithreaded. This means that, unlike RAPI, more than one application can transfer data at a time so that applications using RAPI2 will not have to wait for other applications to finish before beginning their own operations. Other enhancements include support for multiple remote devices as well as the ability to query for information about each connected remote device. Future versions of ActiveSync might take advantage of this enhancement. ActiveSync 4.1 is limited to one device connection at a time.

Although the RAPI is still supported, it is strongly recommended that you use the newer RAPI2 library.

In This Section

RAPI2 OS Design Development

Design and development content for RAPI2.

RAPI2 Application Development

Provides general information on developing applications using the Remote API 2.

Remote API 2 (RAPI2) Reference

Provides reference information on the programming elements of the Remote API 2.

RAPI2 Security

Provides information on security features that should be considered when developing Remote API 2 applications.