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Message Queuing provides a single-message transaction that implicitly uses the internal transaction support provided by Message Queuing.

The benefits of this type of transaction include the following:

  • Greater speed, compared to using an external transaction coordinator.

  • Simplified application code.

  • Exactly once delivery without the need to coordinate other activities within a single transaction.

The only difference between sending a non-transactional message and using a single-message transaction is that the destination queue must be a transactional queue, and the Transaction parameter of MSMQMessage.Send must be set to MQ_SINGLE_MESSAGE.

Each Message Queuing message can have no more than 4 MB of data.
To send a single-message transaction
  1. Declare the objects needed to send a message.

    This example uses a MSMQQueueInfo, MSMQQueue, and MSMQMessageobject.

  2. Call MSMQQueueInfo.Opento open the transactional queue with send access.

  3. Call MSMQMessage.Sendto send the message.

    In this example, the Transactionparameter is set to MQ_SINGLE_MESSAGE.

  4. Call MSMQQueue.Closeto close the queue.

See Also