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To request report messages, a report queue must be specified and tracing must be enabled.

AfterOnce a message is sent with tracing enabled, you can use Active Directory Manager to view the report messages Message Queuing sent to the report queue.

Report queues are typically specified by the MSMQ Administrator through Active Directory Manager.

You can select a known report queue, or specify a new queue and Active Directory Manager will create the queue for you.

Report queues are typically created through Active Directory Manager. To create a report queue using MSMQQueueInfo.Create, specify the following queue type (GUID) when creating the queue.
To enable tracing
  1. Using Active Directory Manager, make sure a report queue has been specified.

  2. In your application, define the structures needed to send the message.

  3. Call MSMQQueueInfo.Opento open the destination queue with send access.

  4. Specify MSMQMessage.Trace, setting it to MQMSG_SEND_ROUTE_TO_REPORT_QUEUE.

  5. (Optional) Specify other message properties as needed.

  6. Call MSMQMessage.Sendto send the message.

  7. Call MSMQQueue.Closeto close the destination queue.

See Also