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The CPL_INQUIREmessage is not supported in Windows Mobile software. The CPL_NEWINQUIREmessage is used instead.


#define CPL_INQUIRE  3

uAppNum = (UINT) lParam1;

lpCPLi = (LPCPLINFO) lParam2;



The ID number of the application being requested. This number is in the range of zero through one less than the number of applications supported by the CPlAppletfunction.


Long pointer to a CPLINFOstructure. The CPlAppletfunction must fill this structure with information about the application.

Return Value

Zero indicates that the CPlAppletfunction processed this message successfully. Nonzero indicates otherwise.


The CPL_INQUIREmessage is not supported in Windows Mobile software. On the desktop versions of Windows, the Control Panel sends the CPL_NEWINQUIREmessage once for each application supported by the CPlAppletfunction. The Control Panel sends the CPL_INQUIREmessage only if CPlAppletdoes not successfully process the CPL_NEWINQUIREmessage.


Header cpl.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2000 and later

See Also