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This message is sent to a Control Panel application to request information about a dialog box that the application supports.


uAppNum = (UINT) 

lpncpli = (LPNEWCPLINFO) 



Dialog box number. This number must be in the range zero through one less than the value returned in response to the CPL_GETCOUNT message (CPL_GETCOUNT –1).


Long pointer to a NEWCPLINFOstructure. The Control Panel application should fill this structure with information about the dialog box.

Return Value

Zero indicates that the CPlAppletfunction processes this message successfully.


The Control Panel sends the CPL_NEWINQUIRE message once for each dialog box supported by the application. The Control Panel also sends a CPL_INQUIRE message for each dialog box. These messages are sent immediately after the CPL_GETCOUNT message. However, the system does not guarantee the order in which the CPL_INQUIRE and CPL_NEWINQUIRE messages are sent.

You can perform initialization for the dialog box when you receive CPL_INQUIRE. If you must allocate memory, do so in response to the CPL_INIT message.

The CPL_NEWINQUIRE message was introduced in Windows version 3.1 as a replacement for CPL_INQUIRE. However, CPL_INQUIRE is the preferred message for Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows NT® version 4.0. This is because CPL_NEWINQUIRE returns information in a form that the system cannot cache. Consequently, applications that process CPL_NEWINQUIRE must be loaded each time the Control Panel needs the information, resulting in a significant reduction in performance.

The only applications that should use CPL_NEWINQUIRE are those that need to change icon or display strings based on the state of the computer. In this case, your CPL_INQUIRE handler should specify the CPL_DYNAMIC_RES value for the idIcon, idName, or idInfomembers of the CPLINFOstructure, rather than specifying a valid resource identifier. This causes the Control Panel to send the CPL_NEWINQUIRE message each time it needs the icon and display strings, allowing you to specify information based on the current state of the computer. Of course, this is significantly slower than using cached information.


Header cpl.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.0 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2000 and later

See Also



Other Resources