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The plug-ins on the Windows Classic Home screen provide a convenient method of displaying an application's summary information that is easily viewed and readily accessible. The default plug-ins on the Windows Classic Home screen display current date, owner information, mail messages, appointment summary, and Tasks. The application associated with the plug-in can be launched by tapping on the plug-in.

This section applies to the Windows Classic Home Screen Overviewand not the new Windows Default Home Screen Overview.

In This Section

Windows Classic Home Screen Plug-in Selection

Describes how to use the selection focus APIs to select the Windows Classic Home screen plug-ins.

Navigating Icons in a Windows Classic Home Screen Plug-in

Describes how you can navigate between icons by using the D-pad, keyboard, and stylus.

Windows Classic Home Screen Plug-in Registry Settings

Shows the registry key associated with the Windows Classic Home screen plug-ins and lists all the registry values for this key.

Device Lock Plug-in

Describes the Device Lock Plug-in and how it works.

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