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Windows Mobile ASP supports three ASP processing directives only: Language, Codepage, and LCID. Attempts to use other identifiers result in an error.

Unlike IIS, Windows Mobile ASP does not check to make sure that the Preprocdirective line is the first line of the ASP page. Also ASP does not check to see if there is only one Preprocdirective line per file. If multiple ASP processing statements are included in one file, ASP uses the values in the first directive line and treats the remaining ASP processing directives as commands in the primary scripting language. Multiple ASP processing statements in a single file cause a parse error, but it might not be immediately obvious that the additional Preprocdirective lines caused the problem.

It is possible to set site-wide default settings for the ASP processing directives in the registry. These values override the default ASP settings. The registry settings and ASP default settings are overridden on a requested ASP page if there is an ASP processing line on the page.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\HTTPD\ASPis the protected registry key for the default ASP settings. The following table shows the named values for the protected registry ASP configuration parameters.

Value : type Description

Language: REG_SZ

Default set to VBScript. A string that is equal to either "JScript" or "VBScript", depending on which language is to be used.

Codepage: REG_DWORD

A DWORDthat is equal to the code page to use. If this value is not set and not specified as a processing directive, ASP assumes it is working with ANSI strings.


A DWORDthat is equal to the LCID to use. If this value is not set and not specified as a processing directive, ASP uses the local default.

VerboseErrorMessages :DWORD

A DWORDthat limits the error message displayed to "Parse error in Script." Default is 1.

See Also