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The Windows Mobile Web Server (HTTPD) implementation enables you to monitor, configure, and remotely control a device or computer through the use of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. The Web Server provides this service for network printers, scanners, and other shared equipment.

In This Section

Web Server Reference

Provides reference pages for the Web Server programming elements

Web Server (HTTPD) Application Development

Provides a list of the Web Server implementation details for Windows Mobile. Includes an overview of the Web Server authentications and permissions. Describes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support. Explains the HTTPD implementation in Windows Mobile and WebDAV support, if applicable. Provides a detailed description of the Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extensions, filters, and script mapping.

Active Server Pages

Provides information about Active Server Pages (ASP) functionality in Windows Mobile devices that provides a server-side scripting environment that can be used to create and run dynamic, interactive Web Server applications.

Web Server Registry Settings

Provides descriptions of the configurable registry settings for Web Server.

Web Server Security

Provides security information and best practices for Web Server.

Web Server Samples

Provides information about the Web Server samples that are included in Platform Builder.

Web Server Migration

Provides information that is important to know if you are migrating from one version of Windows Mobile to another.

Related Sections


Provides a list of the servers and services that are supported in Windows Mobile devices.