Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Sets or retrieves a value representing the clip's current position, in seconds.

Compatibility:Windows Media Player, ActiveMovie

MediaPlayer.CurrentPosition [ =


Double value representing the clip's current position, in seconds. This property is read/write with no default value.


The value of this property is a new position within the clip, in seconds.

Setting this property at run time is similar to performing a seek operation, and changes the position to the specified point in the clip. The new value must be within the range specified by the SelectionStartand SelectionEndproperties.

Before attempting to set this property, determine the length of the file in seconds by retrieving the value of the Durationproperty.

Before the FileNameproperty is set, CurrentPositionreturns -1(minus one).


This example shows how to use the CurrentPositionproperty to rewind a clip after it has been stopped:

MediaPlayer1.Stop( );
MediaPlayer1.CurrentPosition = 0;

See Also

Playback Methods and Properties