Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Sets or retrieves a value indicating the current marker number.

Compatibility:Windows Media Player

MediaPlayer.CurrentMarker [ =


Long value indicating the current marker number. This property is read/write with a default value of zero.


Before attempting to set this property, determine whether a file has markers and their number by using the MarkerCountproperty. If a file has no markers, setting CurrentMarkerto anything but zero results in an error. Setting CurrentMarkerto a number higher than MarkerCountalso results in an error.

CurrentMarkeralways returns the current or last marker, which means the actual file position can be either at the current marker or before the next marker. Markers are numbered beginning at 1, so if a file has markers, you can set CurrentMarkerto zero to change the file position to zero.

Before FileNameis set, CurrentMarkerreturns zero.

See Also

Playback Methods and Properties