Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Blocks execution of the application thread until the graph's operation finishes.

HRESULT WaitForCompletion(
long *


[in] Duration of the time-out, in milliseconds. Pass zero to return immediately. To block indefinitely, pass INFINITE.
[out] Event that terminated the wait. This value can be one of the following:
EC_COMPLETE Operation completed.
EC_ERRORABORT Error. Playback can't continue.
EC_USERABORT User terminated the operation.
Zero (0) Operation has not completed.

Return Values

Returns one of the following HRESULTvalues.

E_ABORT Function timed out before the operation completed. This is equivalent to a zero pEvCodevalue.
S_OK Operation completed.


This method is the equivalent of blocking until the event notification EC_COMPLETE, EC_ERRORABORT, or EC_USERABORTis received, or the time-out occurs.

When this method returns, the filter graph is still running. This method assumes that separate calls to the IMediaEventinterface are not being made. This method fails if the graph is not in or transitioning into a running state.

The time-out parameter ( msTimeout) specifies the length of time to wait for completion. To test if the operation completed, specify a zero msTimeoutvalue and check the event code value ( pEvCode) for zero, indicating that the operation is not completed.