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Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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All data has been rendered. Renderers send this event notification.


HRESULTvalue of some operation. This can be S_OK.
Zero or the renderer's IBaseFilterpointer.


The default is not to send this event notification to the application, you can override the default by calling the IMediaEvent::CancelDefaultHandlingmethod. No more data should be accepted after the EndOfStreammethod is called on the renderer's input pin. Exactly one EC_COMPLETEnotification must be sent for each logical stream. Stopping a renderer resets any end-of-stream state that is cached.

Although individual EC_COMPLETEevents aren't sent by default, the last individual EC_COMPLETEis sent to the application when all streams have sent one to the filter graph. If the default handling is turned off, the application gets them all (one per stream). If default handling is enabled, the lParam2argument is null. If it is disabled, lParam2contains the IBaseFilterpointer of the sending filter or null if the filter does not provide it. As with all events, call IMediaEvent::FreeEventParamsto release any resources held by the event.

For information on how to use this event code, see CBaseFilter::NotifyEvent.