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Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

IAMovieSetup Interface

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The IAMovieSetupinterface provides methods that allow objects in a dynamic-link library (DLL) to be self-registering. The IAMovieSetupinterface works in conjunction with an overall registration architecture that COM requires; this architecture is partially implemented in the Microsoft DirectShow base classes. The remainder of the implementation is described in the following sections.

When to Implement

Implement this interface if you want your filter or plug-in distributor to be able to register itself automatically as part of a setup routine on an end user system. The two methods in this interface, IAMovieSetup::Registerand IAMovieSetup::Unregister, are implemented by the CBaseFilterbase class for self-registering filters. For a complete list of steps showing how to use this interface with the DirectShow class library, see Register DirectShow Objects.

When to Use

Use implemented methods on this interface from an entry point on the filter that is called by a setup utility or installation utility. These are used automatically by the DirectShow architecture and normally should not need to be called by any other component.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.
IAMovieSetup methods Description
Register Adds the filter to the registry.
Unregister Removes the filter from the registry.