Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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The DirectDrawEnumerateExfunction enumerates all DirectDraw devices installed on the system. The NULL entry always identifies the primary display device shared with GDI.

HRESULT WINAPI DirectDrawEnumerateEx(


Address of a DDEnumCallbackExfunction that will be called with a description of each enumerated DirectDraw-enabled HAL.
Address of an application-defined value that will be passed to the enumeration callback function each time it is called.
Flags specifying the enumeration scope. This parameter can be zero or a combination of the following flags. If the value is zero, the function will enumerate only the primary display device.
Flag Description
DDENUM_ATTACHEDSECONDARYDEVICES The function will enumerate the primary device, and any display devices that are attached to the desktop.
DDENUM_DETACHEDSECONDARYDEVICES The function will enumerate the primary device, and any display devices that are not attached to the desktop.
DDENUM_NONDISPLAYDEVICES The function will enumerate the primary device, and any non-display devices, such as 3-D accelerators that have no 2-D capabilities.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is DD_OK.

If the function fails, the return value is DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS.


Retrieve the DirectDrawEnumerateExfunction's address from the Ddraw.dll dynamic-link library by calling the GetProcAddressWin32 function with the "DirectDrawEnumerateExA" (ANSI) or "DirectDrawEnumerateExW" (Unicode) process name strings. If GetProcAddressfails, then the installed version of the operating system does not support multiple monitors.

Note: The �W' version of this function is in Windows CE for Unicode support.


Runs on Versions Declared in Link to
Windows CE OS 2.12 or later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later. ddraw.h ddraw.lib