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CBaseOutputPinis an abstract base class derived from the CBasePinclass that provides support for the common memory transport. CBaseOutputPinconnects only to an input pin that supplies an IMemInputPininterface (such as a pin class derived from the CBaseInputPinclass), and provides methods for the filter to access that interface. Derive your output pins from this class for the easiest implementation.
An output pin must provide one or more media types when connected to an input pin. If the media type that returns an index size, for example, is not currently available, the output pin should return S_FALSE in the CBasePin::GetMediaTypemember function, and the base class will skip it.
Your output pin class methods (represented here with the class name CYourPin) should call CBaseOutputPin. For example, CYourPin::Active should call CBaseOutputPin::Activefirst, to see if it should proceed. CYourPin::Inactive should call CBaseOutputPin::Inactivefirst, to decommit the sample allocator and avoid deadlock problems with CBaseOutputPin::GetDeliveryBuffer.
All member functions in this class that return HRESULTand accept a pointer as a parameter return E_POINTER when passed a null pointer.
All IQualityControlmethod implementations are inherited from the CBasePinclass and are not overridden by this class.
Protected Data Members
m_pAllocator | Pointer to the IMemAllocatorinterface for this pin. |
m_pInputPin | Pointer to the input pin to which this pin is connected. |
Member Functions
CBaseOutputPin | Constructs a CBaseOutputPinobject. |
Overridable Member Functions
Active | Switches the pin to the active (running) mode. |
BreakConnect | Releases the allocator and the IMemInputPininterface. |
CheckConnect | Calls QueryInterfaceto retrieve an IMemInputPininterface. |
CompleteConnect | Completes the connection. |
DecideAllocator | Negotiates the allocator. |
DecideBufferSize | Retrieves the number and size of buffers required for the transfer. |
Deliver | Delivers an IMediaSamplebuffer to the connecting pin. |
DeliverBeginFlush | Calls the IPin::BeginFlushmethod on the connected pin. |
DeliverEndFlush | Calls IPin::EndFlushon the connected input pin to pass an end-flushing notification. |
DeliverEndOfStream | Calls IPin::EndOfStreamon the connected input pin to pass an end-of-stream notification. |
DeliverNewSegment | Calls IPin::NewSegmenton the connected input pin to pass a segment. |
GetDeliveryBuffer | Returns an IMediaSamplebuffer suitable for passing across the connection. |
Inactive | Switches the pin to the inactive (stopped) mode. |
InitAllocator | Creates a default memory allocator. Override this to provide your own allocator or to provide no allocator. |
Implemented IPin Methods
BeginFlush | Informs the pin to begin a flush operation. Implemented to return E_UNEXPECTED because it is an error to call this on an output pin. |
EndFlush | Informs the pin to end a flush operation. Implemented to return E_UNEXPECTED because it is an error to call this on an output pin. |
EndOfStream | Informs the pin that no additional data is expected until a new run command is issued. Implemented to return E_UNEXPECTED because it is an error to call this on an output pin. |