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CBaseInputPinis an abstract base class derived from CBasePinthat adds support for IMemInputPinin addition to the IPininterface support provided by CBasePin. Its IMemInputPin::GetAllocatormethod returns a CMemAllocatorobject. Derive your input pin from this class.
All member functions in this class that return HRESULTand accept a pointer as a parameter return E_POINTER when passed a null pointer.
Protected Data Members
m_bFlushing | In the state of flushing; if TRUE, all IMemInputPin::Receivemethods are returned with S_FALSE. |
m_bReadOnly | If TRUE, indicates that the allocator being used contains samples that are read-only. |
m_pAllocator | Pointer to the default memory allocator. |
Member Functions
CBaseInputPin | Constructs a CBaseInputPinobject. |
IsReadOnly | Checks the m_bReadOnlydata member and returns its value. |
IsFlushing | Checks the m_bFlushingdata member and returns its value. |
PassNotify | Passes a quality-control notification to the appropriate sink. |
Overridable Member Functions
CheckStreaming | Verifies conditions for continuing with a streaming operation. |
Inactive | Switches the pin to an inactive state. |
Implemented IPin Methods
BeginFlush | Informs the pin to begin a flush operation. |
Disconnect | Releases the stored allocator. |
EndFlush | Informs the pin to end a flush operation. |
Implemented IMemInputPin Methods
GetAllocator | Returns the allocator interface that this input pin would like the output pin to use. |
GetAllocatorRequirements | Indicates an optional method to use if the filter has specific alignment or prefix requirements but could use an upstream allocator. |
NotifyAllocator | Tells the input pin which allocator the output pin is actually going to use. |
Receive | Returns the next block of data from the stream. (Override this method to process a sample being passed in.) |
ReceiveCanBlock | Determines if sending an IMemInputPin::Receivemethod might block. |
ReceiveMultiple | Returns the next block of data from the stream. (Override this method to process samples being passed in.) |
Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
NonDelegatingQueryInterface | Retrieves an interface from the subobject, not the aggregated object. |
Implemented IQualityControl Methods
Notify | Notifies the recipient that a quality-control change is requested. (Override on the output pin only. This implementation returns NOERROR.) |