Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Transitions the filter to State_Running state if it is not in this state already.



Reference time value corresponding to stream time 0.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULTvalue.


If the filter is in State_Stopped state, the CBaseMediaFilter::Pausemember function is called first to transition the filter to State_Paused state, which has the effect of activating any of the filter's connected pins. If any pin returns a failure return code from its CBasePin::Activemember function, the function fails and the state is not changed. If this member function succeeds, the filter's m_Statemember variable is set to State_Running. This member function holds the filter's lock.

Filters should derive their filters from CBaseFilterand not from CBaseMediaFilter, so filters will not likely use this member function. Use CBaseFilter::Runinstead.