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Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Verifies conditions for continuing with a streaming operation.

virtual HRESULT CheckStreaming( );

Return Values

Returns one of the following HRESULTvalues, depending on the state.

S_FALSE Currently in flushing state.
S_OK Receive or EndOfStream operations can safely proceed.
VFW_E_RUNTIME_ERROR Run-time error occurred while processing a previous sample.
VFW_E_WRONG_STATE Filter is in the State_Stopped state.


Conditions checked in this member function include whether the filter is connected, if it is in an active state, if it is not currently flushing data, and if it has not just issued a run-time error. If all these conditions pass, it returns S_OK.

You can override this member function to add restrictions defined by your derived class. The overriding member function should call this base class implementation to check for conditions here as well.

This function member should be called from any override of the CBaseInputPin::Receiveor CBasePin::EndOfStreammember function (or they should do some equivalent check).