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Graph Building with Intelligent Connect

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Intelligent Connectis one of the processes or mechanisms by which the Filter Graph Manager can be used to automatically build a filter graph or part of a filter graph. By looking at this process, we can better understand some of the fundamentals of the DirectShow architecture, and also see the basic steps that will be involved if it is ever necessary for an application to build all or part of a filter graph "manually," as might be the case if you are using custom filters or want to ensure that a particular filter gets inserted into the graph.

One place where a process similar to Intelligent Connectis used is in the RenderFilemethod on the Filter Graph Manager's IGraphBuilderinterface. After creating an instance of the Filter Graph Manager and obtaining an IGraphBuilderinterface pointer, an application can call RenderFile, passing in a file name as one of the parameters, and the Filter Graph Manager will create the correct type of graph for rendering that file, based on the file extension (WAV, MP3, MPG, and so on).

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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