Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

IGraphBuilder Interface

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The IGraphBuilderinterface allows applications to call upon the filter graph manager to attempt to build a complete filter graph, or parts of a filter graph given only partial information, such as the name of a file or the interfaces of two separate pins. The filter mapper looks up filters in the registry to configure the filter graph in a meaningful way.

IGraphBuilderinherits from the IFilterGraphinterface and exposes all its methods. For this reason, IFilterGraphshould normally not be used directly.

When to Implement

This interface is implemented on the filter graph manager and is not intended for implementation by developers.

When to Use

Applications use this interface to create a filter graph, add filters to or remove filters from a filter graph, enumerate all the filters in a filter graph, and force connections when adding a filter. Filters typically use the interface to reconnect pins during the connection and negotiation process of building a filter graph.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.
IFilterGraph methods Description
AddFilter Adds a filter to the graph and gives it a name.
RemoveFilter Removes a filter from the graph.
EnumFilters Provides an enumerator for all filters in the graph.
FindFilterByName Finds a filter that was added with a specified name.
ConnectDirect Connects the two IPinobjects directly (without intervening filters).
Reconnect Breaks the existing pin connection and reconnects it to the same pin.
Disconnect Disconnects this pin, if connected.
SetDefaultSyncSource Sets the default synchronization source (a clock).
IGraphBuilder methods Description
Connect Connects two IPinobjects. If they will not connect directly, this method connects them with intervening transforms.
Render Adds a chain of filters to this output pin to render it.
RenderFile Builds a filter graph that renders the specified file.
AddSourceFilter Adds a source filter to the filter graph for a specific file. The IGraphBuilder::RenderFilemethod calls this to find the source filter.
SetLogFile Sets the log file into which actions taken in attempting to perform an operation are logged.