Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

How Event Notification Works

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At various times while a DirectShow application is running, the status of a filter might change. For example, it might go from paused to running, encounter an error in the stream, or request that the video window be repainted. To alert the filter graph manager of a change, the filter sends an event notification, which consists of an event code that indicates the type of event, and two parameters that supply additional information. The meaning of the parameters depends on the event code.

The filter graph manager handles some events without notifying the application, such as a request to repaint the video window. It places other events into a queue, from which the application retrieves and processes them in order. DirectShow event notification is similar in this respect to Microsoft Windows message queuing. In fact, you can have the filter graph manager send a Windows message to a designated window when a new event occurs. That way, the application can handle the events from within the window's message loop.

An application might need to handle a number of event codes, depending on the purpose of the application. This article focuses on two: EC_COMPLETEand EC_USERABORT.