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SIDWalker Syntax

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ShowAccs Syntax

One Step showaccs AccessProfileFile [/f [Path]] [/r] [/s] [/p] [/g] [/m [MapFilePath]] [/nobuiltins] [/?]


Specifies the path of the .csv file to be generated.
/f [Path]
Shows access rights for all NTFS files or, optionally, for those in the directory tree of the specified path.
Shows access rights for the registry.
Shows access rights for file shares.
Shows access rights for printer shares.
Shows access rights for local groups.
/m [MapFilePath]
Generates a map file, optionally in the directory specified by MapFilePath.
Omits access rights for built-in groups.
Displays help on Showaccs.


SIDWalk Syntax

One Step sidwalk ProfileFile [ProfileFile …] [/t] [/f [Path]] [/r] [/s] [/p] [/g] [/l File] [/?]


Specifies the path and file name of one or more .csv mapping files to be used for input.
Conducts a test/dry run.
/f [Path]
Scans all NTFS file system files or, optionally, only those on the directory tree of the specified path.
Scans the registry.
Scans file shares.
Scans printer shares.
Scans local groups.
/l File
Generates a Converter log file with File as the file name and path.
Displays help on Sidwalk.
