Specifies to use a trigger to determine when to stop capturing.
If the trigger is omitted, NetCap captures until the buffer is
full, then stops. The /t /n option continues to capture
until the spacebar is pressed, using the buffer as a queue.
B = Buffer
P = Pattern
BP = Buffer then pattern
PB = Pattern then buffer
N = No trigger
Percent buffer size. Options are 25, 50, 75, and 100. It is
used with B, BP, PB, but not P.
Hexadecimal offset from start of frame used with P,
BP, PB, but not B.
Hexadecimal pattern to match used with P, BP,
PB, but not B. The pattern must be an even number of
hexadecimal digits.
Temporarily moves the capture path to CapturePath. This
can be any valid local or remote path. If /c is not
specified, the capture path remains in the default temporary
capture folder.
Specifies a Network Monitor 2.x-generated capture filter
Specifies to capture for the given amount of time (max
This option overrides the default 100 percent trigger, unless
/tType is also specified.
Sets the default temporary capture folder. The path must be on
a fixed local hard drive. Once set, you only need to use the option
again to change the directory.
Removes the NetCap instance of the Network Monitor driver.
Specifies which NIC to use based on the NIC index number for
this computer.