In this example, you monitor your network port for three minutes
and capture the information to the C:\Temp folder. Type the
following at the command prompt:
netcap /c:c:\temp /l:00:03:00
NetCap displays the following result:
Total frames captured: 229
Capture file name: c:\temp\7D16111E39FA.cap
In this example, you want to monitor with a trigger defining
when to stop. You want to look for a certain pattern, and when
found keep listening until the trigger is halfway into the buffer.
You have previously defined a filter restricting the monitoring to
a suspicious host. Type the following at the command prompt:
NetCap /B:20 /N:2 /T BP 50 0a ff1f
NetCap produces the following output:
Total frames captured: 85220
Capture file name: c:\temp\7D234C233A3B.cap
In this example, you want to remove the Network Monitor Driver
that NetCap has installed. Type the following at the command
netcap /remove
NetCap produces the following output:
The NetCap.exe instance of the Network Monitor driver successfully removed.