The PswdSync subkey stores configuration data for the Password Synchronization Service. The Password Synchronization Service lets users use a single password for computers running Windows 2000 computers and UNIX. It assures that any password changes made on Windows 2000 are communicated to the UNIX pod, either in clear or encrypted text. It also assures that all passwords conform to the security standards implemented on the system by notification packages, such as Passfilt.dll.
The PswdSync subkey contains two subkeys, Domains and NotifyChange. The Domains subkey contains <pod-name> subkeys, each of which represents a UNIX pod and stores data that applies to only to the pod. The NotifyChange subkey is used internally by the Password Synchronization Service to detect and implement configuration changes while the service is running. Do not delete or change it.
The PswdSync subkey also can contain entries. The entries in PswdSync apply to all UNIX pods. These entries can also appear in the PswdSync\Domains\<pod-name> subkeys where they apply only to the specified pod. If the same entry appears in the PswdSync subkey and in a <pod-name> subkey, the value in the <pod-name> subkey takes precedence over the value in PswdSync when configuring that pod.
To change the value of entries in this subkey, use the Password Synchronization Administrator. Do not edit the registry.
The Pswdsync subkey appears in the registry when you configure the Password Synchronization Service (by using the Password Synchronization Administrator) and then restart Windows 2000.