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VREGTool is Thinstall's virtual registry compiler and exporter

Command Line Usage:
note: all parameters are case-insensitive

VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ExportDir output_directory [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software]
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ImportDir input_directory
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ImportReg regedit.reg [-Merged|-WriteCopy|-Full] [-NoReplace][-NoMacros]
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ExportReg filename.reg [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software]
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr PrintKeys [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software] [-ShowValues] [-ShowData] [-ExpandMacros]
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr PrintStats
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr SysCompare [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software] [-Exact]

VREGTOOL regfile.tvr DelSubkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software [-NoMark]

Exporting registry data to Thinstall registry directory format
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ExportDir output_directory [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software]

regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
output_directory : Output directory where registry data will be written  
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software : You can optionally specify a registry subtree to export. If no subtree is specified, Thinstall will export the entire contents of the .tvr file. If the specified registry subkey has a space in the name, you should specify the key using quotes like this: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Key with space"  

Importing registry data from Thinstall registry directory format
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ImportDir input_directory
regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
input_directory : Input directory where registry data will be read from  
   vregtool c:\tmp\test.tvr ImportDir "C:\jc\code\VOS2\thinstall\setup_capture\Debug\Captures\05-07-2006 01.14"

Importing registry data from regedit format
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ImportReg regedit.reg [-Merged|-WriteCopy|-Full] [-NoReplace][-NoMacros]
regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
regedit.reg : The .reg file to import, entries imported will be added to the specified .tvr file. This file can be in REGEDIT 4.0 (ansi text) or 5.0 (unicode text) format.  
Isolation Mode options (if no isolation mode is specified WriteCopy is used)  
-Merged : specifies that registry keys which do not already exist will have isolation mode set to Merged.  
-WriteCopy: specifies that registry keys which do not already exist will have isolation mode set to WriteCopy.  
-Full : specifies that registry keys which do not already exist will have isolation mode set to Full.  
-NoReplace : Do not replace or modify existing registry values. If this option is not selected, when a .tvr already contains a value specified in the .reg file, this value will be overwritten with the value specified in the .reg file.  
-NoMacros : Do not perform macro substitution for registry values that contain paths to short pathname or shell folders. When this flag is not set, the values contained in .tvr will be replaced with macro versions of paths. For example, if the .reg file contains a string registry value of C:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll, the .tvr file will contain the value %systemsystem%\kernel32.dll. When the application requests the value of this registry key, it will receive the value C:\windows\system\kernel32.dll when running on Windows 98,ME,and XP+. If the application runs on NT or 2k, it will receive the value C:\winnt\system32\kernel32.dll. Usually macro substitution is preferable; however, in some unusual cases, you may want to disable this and store a hard-coded path in the registry.  
Exporting registry data to regedit format
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr ExportReg filename.reg [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software]
regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
regedit.reg : The .reg file to export to. The file produced will be in REGEDIT 5.0 format (unicode text).  
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software : You can optionally specify a registry subtree to export. If no subtree is specified, vregtool will export the entire contents of the .tvr file. If the specified registry subkey has a space in the name, your should specify the key using quotes like this: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Key with space"  

Special note: when exporting to .reg format, some information is lost, so exporting and reimporting may cause a loss of information. Information that can be lost includes:  
1) Filename macros are expanded on export; if they are not converted back to macros on import information could be lost.  
2) Each Registry subkey in .tvr format has a specified isolation mode, because .reg format does not have a concept of isolation modes or meta data for subkeys this information is lost.  
3) Registry values that cannot be represented in .reg format; for example, a key which is REG_SZ cannot have more than one NULL character in .reg format. In such a case, the registry value data will be prematurely truncated in .reg format. Another example where .reg files cannot represent values accurately is a REG_SZ value which is not null-terminated. For these reasons, it is preferable to export registry data to Thinstall registry directory format and then re-import into the .tvr file, when you need to perform some processing on the data.  
vregtool c:\tmp\test.tvr ExportReg c:\tmp\test.reg "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Save For Web 3.0"  

Listing all registry keys in a Thinstall .trv file
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr PrintKeys [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software] [-ShowValues] [-ShowData] [-ExpandMacros]
regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software : You can optionally specify a registry subtree to print. If no subtree is specified, vregtool will print the entire contents of the .tvr file. If the specified registry subkey has a space in the name, your should specify the key using quotes like this: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Key with space"  
-ShowValues : Optionally prints the names of all virtual values contained in virtual subkeys  
-ShowData : Optionally prints the data associated with each virtual value  
-ExpandMacros : Optionally expands macros contained in registry values & data before printing  
vregtool c:\tmp\test.tvr PrintKeys "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Save For Web 3.0"  
This operation will print all the virtual registry keys contained in a .tvr file to the console.  
Listing diagnostic information about a Thinstall.trv file
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr PrintStats
regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
This option is used mainly for diagnosing issues with .tvr files  
vregtool c:\tmp\test.tvr PrintStats  
Comparing virtual registry information with host PC registry information
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr SysComapre [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software] [-Exact]
regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software : Optionally specifies the registry subkey to begin comparing. If this is specified, only subkeys at this level and below will be considered in the comparison.  
-Exact: Optionally specifies that system comparison should print out all differences between the virtual registry and system registry. If this option is not specified, vregtool will not print out system registry keys that do not exist in the virtual registry if the virtual registry subkey is set to "merged" or "writecopy" isolation mode (but will print differences for subkeys with isolation mode set to "Full").  
This option is useful in finding differences between a working system registry and virtual registry file.  
vregtool c:\tmp\test.tvr SysCompare "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe"  
Deleting a registry subkey
VREGTOOL regfile.tvr DelSubkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software [-NoMark]
regfile.tvr : Datafile in Thinstall Virtual Registry file format  
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software : Specified the registry subkey to delete. If the specified registry subkey has a space in the name, your should specify the key using quotes like this: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Key with space"  
-NoMark : Optionally specifies that the subkey should be deleted if it exists, but not marked as deleted. When a subkey is marked as deleted, applications running under Thinstall will not see the specified subkey even if it exists on the local system. 
Note: When -NoMark is not used, vregtool will mark the subkey as deleted whether or not it originally exists in the .tvr file.  
vregtool c:\tmp\test.tvr DelSubkey "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Save For Web 3.0"