

semctl() - semaphore control operations


#include <sys/sem.h>

int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, ...)


The semctl(2) function provides control operations over semaphores in the semaphore set identified by semid. The control operation is defined by the cmd argument. (Values for cmd are defined in <sys/sem.h>.) Some control operations act on a single semaphore in the set, others act on the entire set identified by semid.

Semaphore identifiers are obtained with the semget(2) call; semaphore operations are performed with the semop(2) call.

Operations on a Single Semaphore

The following values for cmd act on the semaphore identified by both semid and semnum.

cmd Command
GETPID Returns value of sempid. Requires read permission.
GETNCNT Returns value of semncnt. Requires read permission.
GETZCNT Returns value of semzcnt. Requires read permission.
GETVAL Returns value of semval member. Requires read permission.
SETVAL Sets value of semval member. Requires alter permission.
IPC_RMID Removes semid from the system and destroy all associated structures and semaphores. Requires permission to be same as the value of sem_perm.cuid or sem_perm.uid in the semid_ds structure associated with semid.

See the semget(2) reference page for a description of the structure members. The IPC_RMID macro is defined in <sys/ipc.h>, which is included by <sys/sem.h>.

Operations on a Semaphore Set

These values of cmd operate on each semaphore in the set. They require a fourth argument to the semctl(2) function. The fourth argument contains an array which is used to hold values for the semaphores; it's described in more detail under The Fourth Argument.

cmd Command
GETALL For each semaphore in the set, place the value of semval in the array pointed to by arg.array. Requires read permission.
SETALL For each semaphore in the set, set the value of semval to the corresponding value in the array pointed to by arg.array. When successful, this operation clears the semadj values corresponding to each semaphore. Requires alter permission.

Setting, Reading, and Removing Semaphores

The following values of cmd deal with stat setting, and removing semaphores:

cmd Command
IPC_STAT Copy current value of each member in the data structure associated with semid into the data structure pointed at by arg.buf, where arg is the fourth argument to semctl(). Requires read permission.
IPC_SET Set the value of UID, GID, and mode permission members in the semid_ds data structure associated with semid to the corresponding value in the data structure point at by arg.buf, where arg is the fourth argument to semctl(). The calling process needs an effective UID that matches the semaphore's sem_perm.cuid or sem_perm.uid values.
IPC_RMID Remove the semaphore specified by semid from the system and destroy the set of semaphores and datastructure associated. The calling process needs an effective UID that matches the semaphore's sem_perm.cuid or sem_perm.uid values.

The Fourth Argument

For these values of cmd, a fourth argument is required:


This argument is of type union semun and the application program must explicitly declare it:
union semun {
int val;
struct semid_ds * buf;
unsigned short * array;


The return value for a successful call to semctl(2) depends upon the cmd:

The value of semval
The value of sempid
The value of semncnt
The value of semnzcnt
All others
The value 0.

On failure, semctl(2) returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error.


The semctl(2) function can fail for the following reasons:

The calling process does not have permission to perform the operation.
Semid is not a valid semaphore identifier, or semnum is outside of the range 0-(semnum or cmd is not a valid command.
Cmd was IPC_RMID or IPC_SET but either calling process did not have the appropriate privileges or the effective user ID of the calling process wasn't equal to the user ID of the semaphore.
Cmd is SETVAL or SETALL but the value given for semval is greater than the system maximum.
Cmd is SETVAL or SETALL, but the intended value for semval is greater than the system maximum.


