To share a directory as a cluster resource

Using the Windows interface

  1. Open Cluster Administrator.
  2. In the console tree (usually the left pane), double-click the Groups folder.
  3. In the details pane (usually the right pane), click the group to which you want the resource to belong.
  4. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Resource.
  5. In the New Resource wizard, type the appropriate information in Name and Description, and in Resource type, click NFS Share. Click Next.
  6. Add or remove possible owners of the resource, and then click Next.
  7. To add or remove dependencies, do one of the following:
    • To add dependencies, under Available resources, click a resource, and then click Add.
    • Or, to remove dependencies, under Resource dependencies, click a resource, and then click Remove.
  8. In Share Name, type the name of the shared folder.
  9. In Share Path, type the fully qualified path of the folder to be shared.
  10. To share the folder and its contents as a single shared folder, click Share Root Only.

    Or, to share all folders (except hidden folders) in the folder specified in the previous step as separate shared folders, click Share Subdirectories Only.

  11. To allow access by users who have not been authenticated, click Allow anonymous access.
  12. To change the user identifier (UID) and group identifier (GID) values assigned to anonymous users, type the new values in the Anonymous UID and Anonymous GID boxes.
  13. In the Encoding list, select the type of encoding to be used for file and directory names in the shared directory. In addition to the default American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encoding, the following encoding is available:
    • BIG5 (Chinese)
    • EUC-JP (Japanese)
    • EUC-KR (Korean)
    • EUC-TW (Chinese)
    • GB2312-80 (Simplified Chinese)
    • KSC5601 (Korean)
    • SHIFT-JIS (Japanese)

    If this option is set to ANSI on systems configured for non-English locales, the encoding scheme is set to the default encoding scheme for the locale. The following are the default encoding schemes for the indicated locales:

    • Japanese: SHIFT-JIS
    • Korean: KS_C_5601-1987
    • Simplified Chinese: GB2312-80
    • Traditional Chinese: BIG5
  14. To specify permissions for the client computers that can access the shared folder, click Permissions.
  15. Click Finish.



Using a command line

  1. At a command prompt, type (as a single command):

    cluster [ClusterName] resource "ResourceName" /create /restype:"NFS Share" /group:"GroupName" /privproperties ShareName="ShareName":STRING Path="SharePath":STRING ShareSubDirs=ShareType:DWORD GlobalPerm=PermType:DWORD Encoding=EncodingType:DWORD AnonymousAccessAllowed=AccessType:DWORD

  2. Next, type:

    cluster [ClusterName] resource "ResourceName" /online /wait[:Timeout]

Argument Description
ClusterName The name of the cluster you want to manage.
ResourceName The name of the cluster resource.
GroupName The name of the group to which you want to add the resource.
ShareName The name of the shared directory you want to create. This value is ignored if ShareType is 0x1
SharePath The fully qualified path of the directory to be shared.
ShareType 0x0 if only the directory specified by SharePath is to be shared. 0x1 if the subdirectories (except hidden subdirectories) in the directory specified by SharePath are to be shared individually.
PermType Specifies root-access and read-write permission combinations. PermType must be one of the following values:
  • 0x1—No access
  • 0x9—No Access + Root
  • 0x2—Read only
  • 0xa—Read only + Root
  • 0x4—Read/write
  • 0xc—Read/write + Root
EncodingType Specifies the default encoding used for file and directory names and, if used, must be set to one of the following:
  • 0x7—ANSI
  • 0x5—BIG5 (Chinese)
  • 0x0—EUC-JP (Japanese)
  • 0x1—EUC-KR (Korean)
  • 0x2—EUC-TW (Chinese)
  • 0x6—GB2312-80 (Simplified Chinese)
  • 0x4—KS_C_5601-1987 (Korean)
  • 0x3—SHIFT-JS (Japanese)

If this is option is set to Ox7, the encoding scheme is ANSI or, on systems configured for non-English locales, the default encoding scheme for the locale. The following are the default encoding schemes for the indicated locales:

  • Japanese: SHIFT-JIS
  • Korean: KS_C_5601-1987
  • Simplified Chinese: GB2312-80
  • Traditional Chinese: BIG5
AccessType 0x0 if anonymous access to the shared directory is not allowed. 0x1 if anonymous access is allowed.
Timeout The number of seconds cluster waits before cancelling the command if it does not successfully complete. If /wait is specified without this value, cluster waits indefinitely or until the resource state changes.



Related Topics


To modify a shared directory cluster resource


To delete a shared directory cluster resource


Understanding server clusters