To modify a shared directory cluster resource

Using the Windows interface

  1. Open Cluster Administrator.
  2. In the console tree (usually the left pane), double-click the Groups folder.
  3. In the details pane (usually the right pane), double-click the group that contains the resource you want to modify, and then click the resource.
  4. On the File menu, click Take Offline.
  5. When the resource is offline, on the File menu, click Properties.
  6. Change the properties you want to modify, and then click OK.
  7. On the File menu, click Bring Online.


Using a command line

  1. At a command prompt, type:

    cluster [ClusterName] resource "ResourceName" /offline /wait[:Timeout]

  2. Next, type:

    cluster [ClusterName] resource "ResourceName" /Option

  3. Next, type:

    cluster [ClusterName] res "ResourceName" /online /wait[:Timeout]

Argument Description
ClusterName The name of the cluster you want to manage.
ResourceName The name of the cluster resource.
Timeout The number of seconds cluster waits before cancelling the command if it does not successfully complete. If /wait is specified without this value, cluster waits indefinitely or until the resource state changes.

Cluster resource options

The following table describes the available cluster resource options:

Option Use to...
/status Display the status of a cluster resource (Online, Offline, or Failed). The resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, the status of all cluster resources is displayed.
/create /group: group name /type: resource type [/separate] Create a new resource in a specified group. Use /separate to specify that the resource should run in a separate Resource Monitor.
/delete Delete a resource.
/rename: new resource name Rename a resource.
/addowner:node name Add a node name to the list of possible owners.
/removeowner:node name Remove a node name from the list of possible owners.
/listowners Display a list of possible owners.
/moveto:group Move the resource to a different group.
/properties [property list] View or set the resource common properties. The resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, properties for all resources are displayed.
/privproperties [property list] View or set the resource private properties. Resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, private properties for all resources are displayed.
/fail Initiate resource failure.
/online [/wait[:timeout in seconds]] Bring the resource online.
/offline [/wait[:timeout in seconds]] Take the resource offline.
/listdependencies List the dependencies for a resource.
/adddependency: resource Add a dependency for a resource.
/removedependency:resource Remove a dependency for a resource.
/addcheckpoints:key[\subkey...][,key[\subkey...]...] Add a registry checkpoint for a resource.
/removecheckpoints:key[\subkey...][,key[\subkey...]...] Remove a registry checkpoint for a resource.
/checkpoints List registry checkpoints for a resource. The resource name is optional. Checkpoints for all cluster resources are displayed if you do not provide a resource name.
/addcryptocheckpoints:key[\subkey...][,key[\subkey...]...] Add a cryptographic key checkpoint for a resource.
/removecryptocheckpoints:key[\subkey...][,key[\subkey...]...] Remove a cryptographic key checkpoint for a resource.
/cryptocheckpoints List cryptographic key checkpoints for a resource. The resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, checkpoints for all cluster resources are displayed.
/? or /help Display cluster resource syntax.

For example, to change the name of a network file system (NFS) Share resource from "NFSShare1" to "NFSShare2", type the following at the Windows 2000 command prompt:

cluster resource "NFSShare1" /privproperties ShareName="NFSShare2":STRING

Cluster resource common property names

The following table describes the common cluster resource property names, their uses, and valid settings:

Common property names Use
Name Name of the cluster resource object.
Description Describes a resource.
Type Specifies the resource type.
DebugPrefix Specifies the appropriate debugger for the resource. For more information, see the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit.
SeparateMonitor Indicates whether a resource shares a Resource Monitor. Valid values are True (1) and False (0).
PersistentState Describes the last known persistent state of a resource. In order to save the resource's PersistentState property, the resource must be offline.
LooksAlivePollInterval Recommended interval (in milliseconds) that the Cluster service polls a resource to determine whether it appears to be operational. If a value is not specified, a default value is taken from the LooksAlivePollInterval property for the resource type.
IsAlivePollInterval Interval (in milliseconds) that the Cluster service polls a resource to determine whether it is operational. If a value is not specified, a default value is taken from the IsAlivePollInterval property for the specific resource type. IsAlivePollInterval cannot be zero.
RestartAction Describes the action to perform if the resource fails. The choices are as follows:

ClusterResourceDontRestart (0): Do not restart following a failure.

ClusterResourceRestartNoNotify (1): If the resource exceeds its restart threshold within its restart period, the Cluster service does not attempt to failover the group to another node.

ClusterResourceRestartNotify (2): If the resource exceeds its restart threshold within its restart period, the Cluster service attempts to failover the group to another node.

If you do not enter a value, the default allows the resource to affect the group, which can cause the group to failover to another system.

RestartThreshold Specifies how many times the Cluster service attempts to restart the resource in the RestartPeriod before failing over the group.
RestartPeriod Specifies the amount of time allowed for the restart attempts to reach the RestartThreshold before the Cluster service fails over the group.
PendingTimeout The amount of time that a Pending Online or Pending Offline resource has to resolve its status before the Cluster service puts the resource in Offline or Failed status.

The default value is three minutes.


Related Topics


To share a directory as a cluster resource


To delete a shared directory cluster resource


Understanding server clusters